How do you decide when to invest in Brand Strategy and Web Design?
The answer to this isn’t straightforward as you need to consider your own personal goals, where your business currently is, and your financial situation.
Brand Strategy and Web Design is an investment, which when done properly will provide you with a high ROI. But for example, say you’re just starting out, and you have limited funds, then the DIY approach is perfect for you at that stage and you can still see huge success in doing so.
I actually have a great resource for you to help you with building the foundations of your brand, and building your own website which you can grab here.
Another factor to consider is that you shouldn’t invest in a custom web design without brand strategy first.
If you’re speaking to a web designer who builds websites based on strategy they’ll insist you have a solid brand strategy in place before taking on your project – and honestly, this is with your best interests at heart. It will cost you more money and more time in the future.
You can read more about brand strategy and web design here.
So, you’re in the financial position to invest in your business, let’s look at when branding and web design are a great fit for you!
1. You’re starting your business and you’re at pre-launch phase
You’re going all-in on your business. You’ve done your research, you know how important it is to set yourself apart from your competitors, and connect with your ideal target audience, and you want to get this right from the start!
Brand Strategy at this stage is going to do exactly that. It will provide you with a guide that’s going to help you with your success. To remain consistent across all platforms from your social media to your website, and you’ll have a deep understanding of your ideal target audience so that every touchpoint from your brand voice, values, logo, typography, colours, messaging and customer journey speak to your future clients.
2. You’ve discovered a new niche
You’ve probably heard you need to niche down to be successful. I’m not so sure I agree, but that’s a story for another day! However, if you have niched down, and discover that mayyyyybe it’s not quite right for you, or you’ve stumbled into a new niche by accident and it lights your soul on fire, (this is 1000% ok, and actually a wonderful experience that I have been through) then this is a great time to look at brand strategy and web design.
This will give you the chance to re-evaluate if you’re still aligned with your brand goals and values, and allows you to further connect with your new found love.

3. You’re feeling stuck
If you’re going through a phase of not feeling motivated by your business recently, or you’re struggling to show up on your social media channels, or perhaps you’ve lost site of your vision for your business. Don’t get down about this, you can absolutely fall in love with your business again.
This is actually a personal favourite of mine – not that I want you guys to feel stuck, no no no! But the renewed love, and excitement my clients experience when they’re presented with their brand roadmap, brand identity, and new website design is just one of the most beautiful things, and genuinely makes all the difference in their business, from feeling high levels of motivation, knowing exactly how to show up on social media to connect with more clients, and the confidence they have in their business. I just love it!
4. You’ve outgrown your DIY job
It was always going to happen – we grow, and as we do, our brand needs to grow with us.
Especially when starting out, it’s very easy to head to Pinterest looking for inspiration, but the problem with that is that you can end up with a brand that looks like everyone else that went to Pinterest, or you have a brand that’s not connecting with your ideal clients.
One of the great things about brand strategy is that it caters for your growth, and meets you where you want to be, meaning it can last you years before you need to think about rebranding.
5. You’re ready for growth
You’ve already seen great success in your business. You’ve been hitting those $5k months, $10k months, maybe even $20k months, so you’re ready to invest in the next step for your business. You might be thinking of investing in a business coach at this point – which is an excellent idea – but before doing so, you want to make sure your brand, and website is ready for this next level of growth.
If not, you risk throwing money away if your branding doesn’t connect with your audience, and your website isn’t built for their customer journey to work with you.
6. You want to attract high-end clients
This is the dream, friends isn’t it? We all want to be working with those clients that trust us as the expert, and understand our worth so you’re not lowering your prices anymore, or hearing ‘you’re too expensive.’
To attract high-end clients, you need to provide a high-end experience from all touchpoints. You need to look the part, sound the part, and of course, deliver on the part – your branding and website should never create false promises.
So how do you feel about investing in brand strategy and web design now?
Could you connect with any of these points and felt and absolute yes f*cking please! I need this in my life right now.
Come hop on over to find out more about the Branding and Web Design Experience I offer, and let’s see how we can build your business in a way that feels right for you.
If you’re not quite ready for full-on custom Web Design and Brand Strategy, but want a super-easy way to uplevel your website now, check out the Showit website templates in the shop – telling you what to say, and where for maximum sales conversions. Check out the templates here.